Love's Secret Ingredient
By Amy Owens, The Singles Coach
Energy is an element that is seldom spoken of and often overlooked in the search for love. By energy, I’m talking about a number of things. There is energy that prompts, is engaged in or results from action. Riding a bicycle requires this type of energy. There’s also energy that’s less visible but still apparent. It’s the kind of energy we might call a “vibe”. It’s the attitude with which we think about, approach or do something – such as an angry vibe, a scared vibe, or a joyful one. When a person has had sad, hurtful or disappointing experiences in love relationships, their energy is affected, too. The kind of vibes one person gives off might say, “Keep away. I’m mad, sad, scared, and unhappy.” Another person’s vibe might say, “I’m vulnerable. Come, rescue me.” |
People react to those vibes by staying away, offering to help or taking advantage of the person sending out those vibes.
The painful part in this equation is that the person sending out the vibes may have no idea what messages they are transmitting. As a result, they get treated in ways (not usually good ones) that they don’t expect and don’t appreciate, and yet they don’t have a clue how to change these patterns.
The painful part in this equation is that the person sending out the vibes may have no idea what messages they are transmitting. As a result, they get treated in ways (not usually good ones) that they don’t expect and don’t appreciate, and yet they don’t have a clue how to change these patterns.
The workshops, therapy, and coaching services I provide offer people the chance to become aware of their energy messages and to change them to positive ones. By learning new coping strategies and “de-briefing” past experiences, people can change their vibes and change their lives for the better. They become people magnets, attracting just the right kind of people into their lives.
When a person is drawing the right kind of people into their life, it is inevitable that they will also attract their Mr./Ms. Right.
When a person is drawing the right kind of people into their life, it is inevitable that they will also attract their Mr./Ms. Right.