Singles Coaching with Amy Owens, The Singles Coach
Amy Owens holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has 20 years experience as a counselor, singles coach, and matchmaker
Singles Coaching is a collaborative relationship between my client and me to discuss and resolve their personal concerns and challenges related to their being single.
Most clients initially contact me because they are single and want to be partnered. Other clients make contact because they are having problems in a dating relationship and want suggestions for improvement. Singles coaching involves a series of conversations between my client and me to get them to their goal. There is no set number of meetings or time-frame attached to our work. The number and frequency of our meetings depends totally on my client and their circumstance. Some clients come in for a one-time consultation. Many clients come in several times. Other clients opt to enter into an on-going collaboration to dig deeper or to work more broadly to achieve the results they are seeking. |
About 50% of my clients are divorced; 25% are widowed; and 25% are single-so-far. They vary in age from 22 to 72. Approximately one-third of my clients are male while two-thirds are female. Half of my clients come from Internet searches while the remaining 50% are referred by their family, friends, and co-workers who are previous or current clients.
My fee is $100 per hour, payable at each session. Depression, grief, and/or anxiety related to divorce, relationship break-ups, and relationships are legitimate medical concerns, and my fee may be covered all or in part by your medical insurance. To find out, contact your insurer’s customer service department. The phone number is typically printed on the back of your medical insurance card. You may also check your insurer’s website to see if I am included on their provider list. Alternatively, you may call me, Amy Owens, directly at 317.727.6331.
Using Zoom, I'm available to meet virtually on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings.
My fee is $100 per hour, payable at each session. Depression, grief, and/or anxiety related to divorce, relationship break-ups, and relationships are legitimate medical concerns, and my fee may be covered all or in part by your medical insurance. To find out, contact your insurer’s customer service department. The phone number is typically printed on the back of your medical insurance card. You may also check your insurer’s website to see if I am included on their provider list. Alternatively, you may call me, Amy Owens, directly at 317.727.6331.
Using Zoom, I'm available to meet virtually on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings.