The Itty Bitty Break-Up Book
The Itty Bitty Break-Up Book is a guide to coping, healing and moving forward after a love relationship ends.
Learning how to de-brief past relationships is the key to being successful in new ones. This book will show you how.
Learn crucial strategies for managing the big and small break-ups in your life because they all count and how you handle them will make you “older and wiser” or miserable.
Some of what you will learn:
- Eight stages involved in recovering from a break-up
- Positive paths and how to stay on them
- Pitfalls and how to avoid them
- What to do when you can’t eat and you can’t sleep
- How to turn off the tapes running in your mind
- Why “de-briefing” a relationship makes it possible for you to look ahead to being successful in future love relationships
You will find it reassuring to know that you are in a certain stage and that what is happening to you is normal. Instead of feeling lost, hopeless or crazy, you will know that you are on the right path, doing the right things, and that in time you will move on to the next stage.
“For 10 years, I’ve been teaching people how to get into love relationships, and now I’m teaching them how to get out of them. Actually, I’m showing people how to recover successfully from love relationships after they end, whether through divorce, death or simply breaking-up. Without this information, many singles move from one painful relationship to another or quit the dating scene in despair.” -- Amy Owens , The Singles Coach
“Don’t let the size of this book fool you. Amy Owens has put together a thoughtful summary of helpful advice for everyone who is suffering the pain of a lost love. From the end of your former relationship, through the recovery process, to dating and finding a new love, The Itty Bitty Break-Up Book is a supportive guide, providing TLC for your heart and mind.”
- Robert E. Alberti , Ph.D., Psychologist and Co-Author: Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends, and After Your Divorce
“Relationships, like life, are filled with peaks and valleys. The peaks can seem very far away when you are in the heart of the valley. The Itty Bitty Break-Up Book is a wonderful trail guide to get you back to the mountains.”
- Joe Zink , age 37, Internet Executive, California
“Helpful, sensitive and insightful. The Itty Bitty Break-Up Book offers many useful suggestions to help you get through the loss of a loved one, whether by death or a relationship break-up. Learn that there is nothing wrong with whatever you feel.”
- Ruth Fishel, Author: Living Light as a Feather, and Change Almost Anything in 21 Days
“The Itty Bitty Break-Up Book is the perfect guide to get you back on track.”
- Susan RoAne, Author: How to Change Your Luck; and How to Work A Room